Séminaire de Ryo Tamaki
SéminaireRyo Tamaki, de l'Université de Yokohama donnera un séminaire sur des nouvelles techniques de mesures ultra-rapides par laser, et leurs application dans les domaines Terahertz et infrarouge .
Single-shot pump-probe spectroscopy to detect ultrafast dynamics by time-lens method
Single-shot spectroscopy enables to investigate ultrafast dynamics without scanning the time delay between the pump and probe pulses. In chirped-pulse spectroscopy, spectrally encoded time-domain signal can be observed in frequency-domain on a single-shot basis. However, in conventional chirped-pulse spectroscopy, the time resolution is restricted, and the waveform distortion occurs. To solve these issues, chirped-pulse up-conversion spectroscopy with dispersion compensation was proposed using time-lens method. In this study, we demonstrated that sub-ps ultrafast dynamics of a LiNbO3 crystal could be observed without the waveform distortion. In addition, terahertz waveforms from an organic nonlinear crystal could be obtained by using phase offset electro-optic sampling method. These results demonstrated accurate waveform detection of ultrafast dynamics on a single-shot basis by applying time-lens method.