Welcome to CERLA

General presentation

The Centre for studies and Research on Lasers and Applications (CERLA) is a federative structure that was created in 1994 and recognized as a CNRS Research Federation on January 1st, 2002. Since 1 January 2010, CERLA has become a transversal platform to the Institutes of the University of Lille1. The merger of the Universities of Lille on 1 January 2018 led to a reinforcement of the CERLA within the perimeter of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Lille, with the arrival of two new members, the PRISM and LOA laboratories. The five laboratories participating in CERLA are associated with different sectors of the Faculty of Science and Technology (physics, chemistry, environment, biology), which gives the platform an obvious multidisciplinary character and opens new perspectives for the development of interdisciplinary and structuring projects within the Faculty.

As a structuring operation whose purpose is the concerted development of research on optics and lasers and their use as a means of action, analysis and diagnosis, CERLA's main role is to lead joint inter-laboratory projects. A few examples can be cited:

«Studies of soot generated by combustion processes: fundamental mechanisms and atmospheric implications » (PhLAM – PC2A),
« Realization of IR laser sources for studies of atmospheric homogeneous chemistry » (PhLAM – PC2A),
« Heterogeneous chemistry of environmental interest » (PC2A – LASIR),
« Laser calibration of atmospheric IR sensors » (PhLAM – LOA),
« Development of laser tools for real-time detection of cancer during surgery » (PhLAM-PRISM).



In addition to this incentive to carry out multidisciplinary and inter-laboratory projects, CERLA provides users shared technical resources and skills within the framework of the technical service. The Centre currently has five staff members (1 research engineer, 1 design engineer, 1 assistant engineer, 1 technician and 1 technical assistant) attached to the Faculty of Science and Technology. It has its own building of about 1000 m2, with 10 experimental rooms, 9 offices and an amphitheatre with 80 seats.


CERLA is also a dynamic player in the animation of regional activity around lasers and their applications. It is a "reference centre" in this field, providing public and private users with a complete range of laser sources and characterisation tools. Recent contracts have been signed with the companies INDELEC (Douai) and HORIBA Jobin Yvon (Villeneuve d'Ascq), or with SATT Nord. A strong impetus has been given to collaboration with the regional economic fabric through the creation of the technological transfer unit in 2016. CERLA organises the "Laser Safety" training course every year, which is a great success (one or two sessions/year, 30-40 participants/year). Finally, in its role of animation, CERLA regularly organizes scientific events for the general public. These include activities dedicated to the fiftieth anniversary of the laser, Open Days, Science Festival, theme days in collaboration with companies.

I. Applications of lasers and spectroscopy in molecular physic-chemistralof environmental interest 

II.Non linear dynamics of optical and biological systems

III. Instrumental development for the envirnment and medicine

Director : Xavier Mercier, Researcher

Management assistant: Nathalie Chapelet, Technician

CERLA technical manager : Marc Le Parquier, Laser engineer

CERLA technical assistant : Bénédicte Calimet, Engineer assistant

Research ingeneer : Igor Razdobreev

Facility maintenance : Anita Mabille, Technical assistant



14:00 - 17:00

Thesis of Aboubacar Dibousse

Soutenance de thèse

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