Defense of thesis Bakhao DIOUM

Soutenance de thèse
Amphithéâtre Pierre Glorieux

Defense of thesis Bakhao DIOUM - laboratory PhLAM

Abstract :

This thesis advances multimode quantum optics through two major theoretical and practical contributions.
First, we introduce temporal cavities as a novel approach to temporal mode filtering, leveraging space-time duality principles to translate spatial mode-cleaning cavity principles to the temporal domain. Unlike existing approaches, this filter operation does not rely on nonlinear interactions or phase matching, preserves the carrier frequency, and maintains the temporal mode structure intact. We demonstrate practical implementation feasibility using electro-optic time lenses and diffraction gratings, with comprehensive parameter optimization strategies for both classical and quantum applications.
Second, we address fundamental limitations in quantum state detection through interferometers with memory effect (IME). We establish new criteria for predicting hidden squeezing directly from system parameters and develop novel smooth decomposition methods for implementing frequency-dependent unitaries.
These innovations enable perfect mode-matching for states exhibiting complex spectral features and morphing supermodes, which are more common than previously recognized in cavity-based quantum systems. The effectiveness of our approach is demonstrated through detailed case studies of optical parametric oscillator configurations.

Keywords : Quantum optics,Photonics,hidden suqeezing,temporal cavities,interferometers with memory effect,morphing supermodes

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