Thesis of Mustapha Moulana

Amphithéâtre Pierre Glorieux
Thesis defense of Mustapha Moulana - laboratory LOA Abstract : The flux collected by the receiver of a solar tower plant is traditionally estimated by the only consideration of the direct solar radiation reflected by the heliostat field. In this thesis, we propose the development of a new version of an atmospheric radiative transfer code to consider not only the flux from direct solar radiation reflected by heliostats but also all the other contributions as the scattered solar radiation, the solar radiation reflected by the ground, on so on. To perform that, the Monte-Carlo atmospheric radiative transfer code SMART-G is chosen and developed to allow the incorporation of a solar tower plant in a realistic atmosphere. The method to create this new tool is completely described and validated. The use of this new tool has proved to be essential for a correct estimate of the flux collected by a solar tower plant located in a desert. An first analysis of the environnemental gain is realized for the annually collected flux of the PS10 solar tower plant, placed in Ouarzazate in Maroc. Keywords : radiative transfer,atmosphere,solar tower power,Monte-Carlo,ray tracing

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